Experts Weigh In on the ‘New Normal’ of Working During the Pandemic: Part 2
With health and safety top of mind for most these days, concerns related to work seem less vital. To help organizations effectively function, technology is essential now more than ever. I recently spoke with several subject matter experts about their thoughts on the anticipated return to a sense of normalcy in the workplace. As a follow-up to last week’s blog post, here are some additional quotes from experts in the field.
It’s evident from these expert remarks that all industry professionals are facing changes to their work environments as a result of the pandemic. Data governance obligations coupled with data privacy and cybersecurity concerns are driving decisions regarding the increased use of remote solutions. As more employees work from home, this phenomenon creates new data management challenges.
With organizational budgets expected to shrink as revenue forecasts are adjusted downward, businesses need to have plans in place for implementation when the crisis is declared over. Organizations may not have the financial resources, nor the human capital, to tackle technology initiatives that they know must be addressed.
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